
Regular Church Service

Sundays @ 10:00am.
Communion is celebrated a number of times during the year on special occasions.
Services are followed by Morning Tea in the

What are our services like? What will you find if you join us?


Silence and space for reflection.

The beauty of traditional hymns, mixed with the power and poignancy of modern hymns –– but no annoyingly repetitive and mindless "choruses" and no "praise bands".

Excellent music played on a magnificent pipe organ.

Expansive language for God.

An approach to the Bible that takes it "seriously, but not literally" –– making use of the insights of modern, critical scholarship and recognising the power of myth and story.

Preaching that is intelligent, informed, and doesn't drag on incessantly.

Prayers that don't treat God like some sort of cosmic dispensing machine but which recognise that, like all forms of spirituality, it's about us centring ourselves and our lives in the presence of God who is the "ground of our being".

A non-threatening environment, where you won't be embarrassed.

A warm welcome.

Opportunities to become involved –– but only if you want to.

Please, drop in and check us out.